

University of Bedfordshire


英国留学云-奖学金-2012年11月03日 13:14




  International Scholarships Scheme (Non - EU students)

  The International Students Scholarship Scheme is funded by the University directly and aims to provide financial assistance to students from overseas who are applying to study at the University of Bedfordshire.

  Award of University of Bedfordshire Scholarships

  University of Bedfordshire Scholarship awards will be made in the form of a tuition fee discount.

  A student may not receive more than one discount.

  Full-time undergraduate students joining year one of their course will receive a discount of £1,250 on full payment of the published fee before or at registration.

  Full-time undergraduate students accepted for advanced entry into year 2 of their course will receive a discount of £750 and for year 3 a discount of £500 on full payment of the published fee before or at registration.

  MBA applicants, who pay their full MBA tuition fees before or at registration, will receive a £3,500 discount.

  MBA applicants, who pay 65 per cent of the total tuition fee in advance, and the remaining balance in instalments, will receive a £2,500 discount.

  Postgraduate students, who pay their full tuition fee before or at registration, will receive a £1,500 discount.

  Students who are the sibling (brother/sister) of a student who is currently registered with the University of Bedfordshire will receive a scholarship award in the form of a tuition fee discount of 10%. The discount will only be applied:

  on the full payment of the full published fee by the first sibling

  if the fee of the second sibling is made in full at registration, then the discount will be payable in addition to the early payment scholarship

  if the second sibling opts to pay by instalments, then the discount will only be applied against the final instalment payment

  sibling must apply direct and not through the agent to be entitled to this discount

  documentary evidence will be required to establish the relationship.

  Please note that these scholarships do not apply to students coming from official collaborative partners of the University of Bedfordshire, as special financial arrangements will already be in place. We hope that you will recognise that this is a practical necessity on our part and will support us in our efforts to direct valuable funds and resources towards educational provision.

  Alumni Loyalty Scholarship

  A £500 alumni discount for University of Bedfordshire overseas fee paying students who progress from Undergraduate courses to Postgraduate courses is offered.



贝德福特大学 人气222397





院校地址:University Square, Luton LU1 3JU


学校简介:贝德福特大学 (University of Bedfordshire)是由鲁顿大学和德蒙福特大学于2006年8月1日合并成为的一所新兴大学。鲁顿大学的前身是鲁顿高等教育学院,教授本科学位课程的历史达40年之久。贝德福特大学是一所充满活力的现代化大学。它的地理环境十分理想,距离伦敦市中心仅30分钟的火车车程,但是它的生活费用比伦敦却要低廉得多。学校的学费也极具竞争性。贝德福特大学的教学质量享有盛誉,2003和2004年该校都被评为英格兰教…更多

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